
Restructuring & reorganization

Changes in the market situation and in the corporate environment often pose problems that threaten the existence of medium-sized companies in particular. Competent, consistent and quick action is required here.

One of the core competencies of IndustrieWert GmbH is in the area of corporate security and crisis management:

  • Problem Analysis

  • if necessary: preparation of an expert opinion

  • Creation/implementation of an immediate action package

  • Developing short and long term strategies

  • Joint creation of restructuring concepts and their implemantation

  • Provision of crisis managers

Our service is not limited to conceptual services, we also help you with the implementation of the measures and accompany you every step of the way. As a member of the BRSI, Federal Association for Restructuring, Reorganization and Interim Management eV, our specialists are always informed about current developments and legal principles.

IndustrieWert GmbH operates as an industrial services provider internationally. 

IndustrieWert GmbH
Dominikanerstr. 40
40545 Düsseldorf